The end (except it isn’t)

Today I completed my walk around the coast of mainland Britain. The remaining coast I had planned for this trip was from near the Mull of Galloway to Dalbeattie. I saved my walk around the Mull of Galloway to be the last one.

I felt it would be good to end at a compass point, in this case the most southerly point of Scotland. This walk also had the classic elements of a lovely coastal walk. A good path, sandy beaches, craggy cliffs and in this case a spectacular lighthouse too. It was a lovely walk to end on. As a bonus the lighthouse was also open so I could climb to the top of the tower.

So is this the end? Well no. I am behind writing up my walks so I will continue to write up my walks here at very roughly once per week until I have written them all up. I am still very much enjoying coastal walking so plan to continue and walk the coast of Northern Ireland next, as well as many of the islands of Scotland I haven’t yet walked around (which is most of them). Hence it is not really the end just yet.

I will also look to other shores. In addition to mainland Britain I have also walked all the coast of Malta (including Gozo and Comino), Monaco and Belgium. I have plans to walk another countries coast line later this year and then …. Well maybe France. I already made a start last year!

So I intend to continue whilst I am able too.

For today I will finish with a favourite piece of music. I think both the sound and video sum up many of the things I love about the coast. It is Saltwater by Chicane (aka Nick Chicane, real name Nick Bracegirdle).

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19 Responses to The end (except it isn’t)

  1. Congratulations on completing the circle! You’ve technically now walked a net distance of zero miles!

    But seriously, well done.

    No idea how long it’s going to take me to eventually emulate your example…

  2. wow, that is an achievement! Will you do the Isle of man, Channel Islands and Scilly when you have done the many Scottish Isles?

  3. patriz2012 says:

    Congratulations! What a feat! All the best for the next stages of your journey Patricia

  4. tonyurwin says:

    Congratulations Jon on a wonderful achievement. I’m glad to hear that it is simply the beginning of another journey. There’s a big world out there. 🙂

  5. owdjockey says:

    Hi Jon, congratulations on your completion of your walk around around the coastline of Great Britain.

    It has been a real privilege reading your accounts over the last 4 or 5 years, from the far corners of plotting your way around the interminable estuaries of Essex to the trials and tribulations of circumventing everything that public transport had to throw at you. All of this from your home in the south of England and while holding down a full time job.

    You have truly embraced the true spirit of coastal walking, always attempting routes that some of us maybe passed on, that would keep you closer to the shore, not taking shortcuts and always seeking out new coastal walking experiences.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and adventures and I look forward to reading those Trip Reports that you have still to write up.

    All the best,


    Alan Palin

    • jcombe says:

      What a lovely comments, thanks so much Alan. Yes I have tried not to cheat or take shortcuts! Thank you too for your help and encouragement both via your own blog and comments, you have been a great help to me.

  6. Huge congratulations, Jon, and what a fantastic achievement. I look forward to your future posts.

    • jcombe says:

      Thanks Ruth. I have found your reports very helpful to me too, especially in Scotland where I can work out where there are paths, were there aren’t paths and where there should be paths that don’t exist!

      Good luck on your future travels I think you are quite close to finishing now too? You will find the remaining parts of the east coast a lot easier than the west coast.

  7. Many congratulations on finishing your walk around the UK coastline. Thank you for sharing your experiences it has been such a delight to read of this adventure and see glimpses of the places that you have been. I look forward to reading your remaining posts and to your next adventure. Your journey and photos have been such a true inspiration for me that I have begun my own coastal adventure – time and weather permitting. Thank you

    • jcombe says:

      Thank you so much for your lovely comments! I wish you all the best with your own walk. It is a wonderful experience that I have very much enjoyed and hope you will too!

  8. Many congratulations on finishing your walk around the UK coastline. Thank you for sharing your experiences it has been such a delight to read of this adventure and see glimpses of the places that you have been. I look forward to reading your remaining posts and to your next adventure. Your journey and photos have been such a true inspiration for me that I have begun my own coastal adventure – time and weather permitting. Thank you

  9. Wow, many congratulations! You must be very proud. I look forward to your future exploits (including the walks you still have to write up).

    • jcombe says:

      Thanks Anabel yes I am very pleased and proud to have finished it. It has been very enjoyable albeit tough at times and I appreciate the insight you have given to me for many of the coastal walks in Scotland or places where you have filled me in on the history!

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